Budget Films

Stock Footage

Choreographed Driving

Exhilarating promotional footage from General Motors shows endless ranks of 1952 Chevys in choreographed driving. Three lanes of nothing but Chevys come towards the camera. They drive around one another in concentric circles. They move in unison, like spokes on a wheel. It's like Busby Berkeley for big fifties cars.

Duration1 min, 14 sec
Keywordsmiddle class, vintage, industry, Detroit, detroit, prosperity, kodachrome, Formation, americana, Industry, Chevy, driving, road, convertible, sedan, wealth, Americana, Vintage, automobile, promotion, formation, car, choreography, chevrolet, Chevrolet, chevy, Automobile, auto, drive, general motors, kitschy, kitsch, Kodachrome, styling, coupe, two tone, highway, two-toned, General Motors, Car