Budget Films

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Matador Wrestles Bull

A matador and bull enter a stadium to cheering crowds. A pretty girl stops the matador from kissing her hand. The matador and bull fight each other like professional wrestlers. After a referee declares the matador the winner, the angry bull knocks the matador out of the stadium and into a waiting ambulance.

Duration1 min, 4 sec
Keywordsbullfight, vintage, rejection, collision, reject, upset, hurt, frog, stadium, ambulance, humor, colliding, resist, Crowd, mexican, ovation, tossing, kicking, flip the frog, seeing stars, slapstick, mustache, trainer, sexy, villain, wrestling match, Stadium, toreodor, collide, ub iwerks, crowd, flip cartoon, rejecting, hurting, spectator, kissing, cartoon, vie, senorita, vying, kissing her hand, deriere, submission, snooty, submit, hand kiss, kiss her hand, contest, winner, animation, toss, cheer, pin, pinning, cape, bow, animated, funny, charge, charging, head, grappling, humorous, rear end, comedy, behind, butt, opponent, applause, clapping, applauding, kick, hero, spinning, hand kissing, love, enter, bully, matador, Matador, loser, bowing, throwing, win, girl, bullfighter, arena, hit, bull, bullring, throw, poke, spin, hitting, bulloney, bottom, Girl, entering, poking, flip, Mexico, angry, anger, courtly, Vintage, Kiss, grapple, flipping, Frog, rules, clap, red cross, kiss, wrestling, wrestle, referee, cheering, ring, fighting, fight, mexico, Mexican, Red Cross