Budget Films

Stock Footage

Massacre At Republic Steel

In the Memorial Day Massacre of May 30, 1937, police open fire on a peaceful demonstration at Republic Steel. Fleeing picketers step on bodies as shots are fired into the crowd. Cops attack protesters, then load them into police wagons. In another shot, workers and police look down at a casualty. Gripping and dramatic.

Duration49 sec
DateMay 30 1937
Keywordsworkers, blue collar, history, People, crowd, paddy wagons, police, john l. lewis, demonstration, uniforms, Crowd, striking, unions, fighting, shooting, demonstraters, strike breaking, Republic Steel, repression, labor history, union busting, class warfare, picket signs, shooters, organizing, John L. Lewis, Demonstration, strikers, protester, riot, violence, violent, billy clubs, melee, nightsticks, History, people, panic, steel workers, labor movement