Budget Films

Stock Footage

Loading Up The Motorboat

A family loads up a motorboat and takes off. CUs of gear on the deck, arms packing away gear, starting the outboard motor, happy kids in lifejackets.

Duration1 min, 15 sec
Keywordsfamily, vintage, leisure, dads, motors, vacations, moms, Child, blonds, Mom, water world series, families, lake, Girl, Boy, Water, boat, arms, lakes, 20th Century, child, Twentieth Century, boats, relaxation, caps, children, cap, Vintage, motor, childhood, waters, water world, Family, motorboats, vacation, vacationing, outboard, summers, motorboating, blondes, blonde, lifejackets, blond, twentieth century, arm, fun, parents, relaxing, dad, 20th century, life jacket, motherboat, girl, summer, kid, kids, girls, relax, parent, holiday afloat, Children, mom, Boat, outboards, boys, boy, water, boating