Budget Films

Stock Footage

A Song About Bullfighting

Pre-MTV music performance footage intercuts shots of bullfighting with a woman doing a kind of Spanish belly dance and a band playing trumpet, guitar and sax. Numerous shots of cape- wielding bullfighters, including one stabbing a bull and another getting gored, lifted and trampled by an angry animal. CUs of the dancer, including her writhing midsection. As she lies on a table, the dancer mimes a stricken bullfighter and members of the band gather around and watch.

Duration2 min, 51 sec
Keywordsspain, bullfight, vintage, animal, band, on-screen playback, cheesecake, dancer, bloody, blood, kistchy, camp, 20th Century, singer, cruelty, Vintage, song, spanish, Blood, Spanish, campy, twentieth century, 20th century, red cape, musicians, violence, bullfighter, kitsch, singing, sword, gore, Twentieth Century, Dancing, picador, Spain, dancing, music video, channel surfing