Budget Films

Stock Footage

Black Tom Sabotage

Shots from the Black Tom munitions plant explosion in Jersey City, New Jersey. Dark smoke rises in the sky. Many shots of buildings burning at night. Fires smolder and smoke rises from wreckage next day. Several shots of wreckage, including railroad tracks, shell cases. Broken windows in trains and houses. Shells imbedded in the side of a train and a door. Displaced families. A soldier stops two men walking along sidewalk.

Duration1 min, 29 sec
DateJuly 30 1916
Keywordsvintage, usa, smoke, dock, flaming, fiery, Soldier, plant, shell, guard, Smoking, world war i, rifle, Germany, facility, broke, track, sabotage, Smoke, question, american, burn, Destroy, Fire, military, railroad, burning, New Jersey, Burn, broken, family, German, Explosion, Track, United States Of America, german, apprehend, hole, Destruction, vandalism, wwI, Damage, armed, city, World War I, WW1, train, World War One, WWI, American, First World War, ww1, teens, wwi, world war I, City, war, stop, debris, Stop, smokey, destroy, destruction, explosion, suspicion, national gurad, questioning, jersey city, munitions plant, detain, suspecting, War, damage, Flame, Train, suspect, Jersey City, soldier, espionage, remains, munitions, STOP, USA, new jersey, charred, world war one, first world war, world war 1, smoking, saboteur, factory, Ruin, aftermath, martial law, black tom, 20th Century, Twentieth Century, fire, World War 1, flame, Vintage, rubble, United States of America, displaced, Family, ruin, great war, twentieth century, Factory, 20th century, House, Plant, smolder, casing, gun, house, united states of america, smoldering, window, germany, door, Military, wreckage, wreck