Budget Films

Stock Footage

Fishing, Planting, Chainsawing

Two shots of people fishing along lakeshore. Young man drives tent stake into ground. Man casts fishing line into pond. Four shots of pine forest lake. Closeup of a tree seedling being planted. Aerial of pine forest. Man in hardhat sprays trees from container on back. Pile of oysters sprayed into water from boat. Lake Georgia Pacific sign. Men haul in fishing net. Man deposits fish into hole. Man uses chainsaw to cut down tree. Three shots of man planting tree seedling.

Duration49 sec
Keywordsvintage, pole, seedling, Mountain, Ranger, hammering, net, montage, aerial, lake, sawing, hammer, saw, tree, trunk, Man, dock, Pound, pier, rod, fisherman, shore, Water, child, fishing, Spray, cut, forestry, plant, reel, teen, Vintage, Catch, adolescence, woods, hang, ranger, Tree, spraying, stake, chainsaw, fish, Fishing, hatcheries, pound, African American, african american, forest, Child, mountain, inspect, man, Plant, Boy, male, kid, pond, planting, inspecting, hauling, tent, catch, haul, Fish, park, Black, fishermen, teenager, hatchery, Male, cutting, black, boy, trout, water, spray, adolescent, pine