Budget Films

Stock Footage

Wildlife Sanctuaries

A collection of shots from various wildlife reserves and sanctuaries in Africa. Many wonderful shots of animals walking in natural habitat and among cars, including lion, birds, elephants, antelope, giraffe, baboon, hippopotamus, zebra. A baboon sits on the hood of a car as it drives down a set path through the reserve, which drivers stop to photograph. Also an airplane flying in the sky and a bus full of tourists. Giraffe, zebra and antelope drink from ponds.

Duration2 min, 58 sec
Keywordshusband, vintage, animal, running, camera, plane, primate, gate, passenger, ear, birds, mother, fly, drive, transportation, pond, africa, african, tourist, baby, van, hood, mammal, family, car, Africa, woman, aerial, flight, flying, airplane, tour, drink, 20th century, automobile, photographer, sign, riding, South Africa, monkey, horn, park, walking, stream, hear, walk, water, drinking, man, jump, bus, driving, road, photograph, bird, flock, jumping, taking off, takeoff, lion, leaping, zebra, antelope, victoria park, skip, etosha park, touring, hearing, skipping, wildlife reserve, lake, hippopotamus, preserves, south africa, scamper, national park, drinking hole, baboon, Man, photographing, driver's POV, atosha park, south african national parks board, giraffe, safari, game preserve, wildlife sanctuary, reserve, run, smell, twentieth century, listening, listen, African, ride, game, leap, father, wife, elephant