Budget Films

Stock Footage

Berliners Escape To West

Shots of patrolling East German border guards intercut with East Germans running through barbed wire towards freedom. A young woman briefly gets tangled in barbed wire as she flees. Later, looking relieved, she walks with her friends. On an East German watchtower, a very young soldier clutches his rifle. West Berliners carry a man shot while crossing.

Duration54 sec
Keywordscold war, west germany, vintage, Death, guard tower, woman, east germany, risky, People, men, danger, dead, Berlin, casualty, berlin, rescue, History, border guard, west berlin, run, Run, patrol, running, escape, Soldier, 20th Century, east berlin, Communism, Twentieth Century, Man, Woman, historic, history, death, twentieth century, Cold War, soldier, rifle, Germany, 20th century, man, watchtower, risk, West Germany, barbed wire fence, communism, Rescue, East Berlin, fleeing, West Berlin, Vintage, women, germany, frontier, people, flee, dangerous, border, run for your life, communist, Men, Communist, East Germany