Budget Films

Stock Footage

Earthquake Damage In Seward

A helicopter lifts off. Aerial shots of train tracks and roads destroyed by Alaskan earthquake. Shots of roads and snow cracked open. Wreckage at train yard, house, and Seward port.

Duration1 min, 51 sec
DateMarch 27 1964
KeywordsEarthquake, vintage, Anchorage, Disaster, bridge, natural, Ruin, port, devastation, boxcar, aerial, helicopter, flight, earthquake, Alaska, flying, Track, Train, pier, Seward, damaged, emergency, road, 20th Century, Bridge, Twentieth Century, Vintage, city, survey, Helicopter, track, alaska, train, seward, ruin, alaskan, snow, blacktop, fly, Flight, twentieth century, Emergency, schism, 20th century, Devastation, House, surveying, Fly, anchorage, debris, crack, breaking, break, tank, City, house, disaster, railroad, Tank, wreckage, wreck, Damage, broken, damage