Budget Films

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Jeannette Rankin At 87

During an anti-Vietnam War demonstration in Washington D.C., 87-year-old, former-Congresswoman Jeannette Rankin complains about the reception protesters have received. She's leading 5,000 women in the "Jeannette Rankin Brigade" on Jan. 15, 1968.

Duration15 sec
DateMarch 15 1968
Keywordspacifists, vintage, protest, Vietnam War, Protest, home front, jeannette rankin, American history, american history, demonstration, vietnam war, Wars, famous, demonstrators, historic, old, elderly, demonstraters, peace marches, antiwar, Demonstration, protester, American History, pacifist, protests, Jeannette Rankin, Vietnam war, Vintage, radical, radicals, wars, Jan. 15, peace marchers, congresswoman, peace marcher, Famous, congresswomen