Budget Films

Stock Footage

Ox-Drawn Cart Carrying Sticks

Two shots of farms. Trees swaying in the wind. Followed by two shots of men driving ox-drawn carts full of cut branches along a dirt road. And treetops swaying in breeze.

Duration53 sec
Keywordsanimal, nicaraguan, nicaragua, rural, stick, Third World, treetop, Wind, Male, tree, wagon, Man, Tree, Farm, driving, road, third world, 20th Century, Twentieth Century, cut, farm, branch, bunch, swaying, Central America, House, contemporary, carrying, pile, breezy, log, breeze, twentieth century, ox, dirt, impoverished, 20th century, chopped, windy, man, drive, Breeze, wind, male, blow, blowing, sway, house, cart, central America, piled, carry, central america, ox-drawn, primitive