Budget Films

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Nixon Fans Don't Like Fonda

During the 1972 presidential election, Jane Fonda joins an antiwar demonstration at Nixon headquarters in L.A. Protesters, including Fonda, hold signs, walk on sidewalk. Counter-demonstrators chant prowar slogans. They hold signs calling Fonda "Hanoi Jane" and denouncing Nixon opponent, George McGovern. Some yell, "Victory! Victory!" Great period atmosphere.

Duration50 sec
Genre None
DateMarch 1972
Keywordssouthern california, movie star, poster, vintage, protest, demonstraters, Vietnam War, Richard Nixon, Political, Protest, united states, celebrity, united States, Los Angeles, Century City, slogans, United States, Politics, protests, president, demonstration, vietnam war, peace, Southern California, shout, soundtrack, sign, famous, demonstrators, celbrities, southern California, soundbite, Conflict, audio, american, historic, george mcgovern, richard nixon, los angeles, history, protest marchers, pro-Nixon, Campaign, elections, Victory, shouts, Presidents, signs, antiwar, George McGovern, conflict, counter culture, President, controversy, campaign, protester, politics, chants, United states, posters, campaigns, Jane Fonda, presidents, Vietnam war, protest marches, slogan, victory, Vintage, radical, History, radicals, American, Demonstration, election, presidential, home front, chanting, pro-war, political, Famous