Budget Films

Stock Footage

Criminal Kills Cop

During a traffic stop, when a cop says he wants to search a driver's car, the driver shoots him with a handgun. Shot of the driver at the steering wheel as he starts his car with the cop framed in the passenger side window. The suspicious cop says, "Mister, your story doesn't hold water." The driver shows his handgun, kills the policeman and speeds off. Lying on the sidewalk, the cop aims his gun before he rolls over, dead.

Duration33 sec
Keywordsvintage, suspicious, murder, Gangbusters, skeptical, police, guns, traffic stops, soundtrack, Vintage, automobile, soundbite, audio, shootings, skepticism, starting the car, Mister your story doesn't hold water., weapons, Automobile, starting, violence, sidewalks, cops, cars, handguns, suspicion, crime, criminals, gangbusters, Guns