Budget Films

Stock Footage

FDR Nominates Al Smith

Three shots show delegates on the floor of the Democratic Party National Convention in 1924. Delegates wave signs, carry posters. Shot shows an Al Smith for President poster. MS shows FDR standing at the rostrum making his legendary nominating speech for Al Smith. Also, at Hyde Park, N.Y., FDR's home, FDR stands on crutches as he poses with John Davis (center), Democratic candidate for president, and Al Smith.

Duration27 sec
Keywordsdelegates, vintage, united States, America, Democratic, FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, national, united states, conventions, American history, franklin delano roosevelt, United States, Democrats, new York state, Politics, american history, nominations, speeches, Hyde Park, new york state, america, democrats, fdr, Vintage, Political, nominate, al smith, american, historic, history, democratic, Presidents, signs, alfred e. smith, candidate, New York State, politics, American History, United states, posters, Candidate, governors, Al Smith, presidents, delegations, Delegates, History, Alfred E. Smith, John W. Davis, American, political, speaking