Budget Films

Stock Footage

First U.S. Delegation To U.N.

Seated reporters with notebooks listen to Eleanor Roosevelt. Various shots show members of the U.S. delegation to the first meeting of the U.N. General Assembly in London in 1946. Edward Stettinius, former secretary of state, stands in a row with Mrs. Roosevelt, then secretary of state James Byrnes (?) and Sen. Arthur Vandenberg. The group stands amid a group of reporters and others. CU pans their faces. They shake hands with the lord mayor of London.

Duration39 sec
Keywordsdelegates, England, London, vintage, United Nations, united nations, American History, Delegates, First Lady, england, great Britain, cities, American history, Democrats, First Ladies, american history, Arthur Vanderberg, Eleanor Roosevelt, lord mayor, democrats, ambassadors, eleanor roosevelt, city, Vintage, united kingdom, Great Britain, london, Edward Stettinius, UN, delegations, United Kingdom, senators, Secretary of State, James Byrnes, first ladies, first lady, diplomats, City, mayors, secretary of state, United kingdom, reporters, Secretary Of State, great britain