Budget Films

Stock Footage

India Greets Mrs. Roosevelt

Various shots show Eleanor Roosevelt on a visit to India in 1953. She steps down from airplane, receives a greeting from Indian Prime Minister Nehru. Nehru, Nehru's wife and Mrs. Roosevelt walk together in front of a throng of people. Four shots show her among India's poor. In one she bows graciously as she shakes hands with a turbaned man.

Duration22 sec
Keywordsarrives, vintage, eleanor roosevelt, arrivals, First Lady, touring, united states, united States, visits, American history, United States, Democrats, welcomes, First Ladies, american history, leaders, democrats, Vintage, poor, deplaning, welcoming, goodwill, greeting, deplanes, Hindus, india, travels, Airport, American History, sikhs, United states, airport, first ladies, first lady, poverty, arriving, turbans, Sikhs, Jawaharlal Nehru, tours, jawaharlal nehru, India, Eleanor Roosevelt, overseas