Budget Films

Stock Footage


Shot establishes a crowded hillside in Amman, Jordan, the location of a Palestinian refugee camp. An official describes overcrowding in camp. Camera pans families standing in doorways of small houses. Interior shot shows family crowded into a room. Men stand on rooftop. Shots show landscape covered with small houses. Camera finds tents erected for new refugees.

Duration1 min, 16 sec
DateJune 1967
KeywordsIsrael, vintage, Six Day War, Mideast, israel, woman, 6 Days War, Arabs, Amman, mideast, Jordan, Palestine, Jews, overcrowding, cities, temporary, misery, shelter, palestine, jews, Middle Eastern, middle eastern, Six Days War, ethnic dress, city, Vintage, rooms, United Nation, interiors, Woman, arabs, history, overcrowded, refugees, refugee camps, City, traditional dress, tents, 6 Day War, six days war, Relief and Works Agency, UNRWA, Palestinians, overpopulation, poverty, suffery, hovels, houses, 6 days war, women, History, jordan, Arab Israeli Conflict, crowded, families