Budget Films

Stock Footage

Union Organizers Confront Cops

Vivid and dramatic footage shows labor unrest during thirties. A National Guard soldier watches over scene at a strike. Angry union supporters confront arrival of strike breakers or troops. Crowds jeer. A cop brandishes his billy club at crowd. Nice shot of angry woman outside factory defying cop. Brief shot show a pro-union woman ready to toss bricks. Men with sticks smash factory windows. Police on horseback and on the ground push and chase after demonstrators. Various shots show chaos of cops and protesters.

Duration1 min, 20 sec
Keywordsautomobile industry, national guard, vintage, Detroit, factory, detroit, manufacturers, general motors, mounted police, mobs, threats, autoworkers, American history, factories, angry, american history, anger, animals, Unions, jeering, Manufacturing, crowds, soldiers, unrest, threatening, American History, unions, UAW, defiant, Military, car, National Guard, emotions, policemen, Factory, uaw, Vintage, policeman, strikers, michigan, Michigan, United Auto Workers, violence, sticks, Flint, defiance, General Motors, horses, breaking, united auto workers, military, strike breakers, cops, labor movement, supporters, fights, jeeers, fighting, windows, GM, Car, Crowds, billy clubs, labor, manufacturing