Budget Films

Stock Footage

Anti-Castro Activists

Shots show early anti-Castro Cubans in Miami. A man sits behind a desk, holding a piece of paper and talking to two other men. In a small meeting room, a man stands at a table and addresses a group. A group of men sit around a table. One of them hands a document to a typist sitting in front of a typewriter. Shots show a former Cuban prime minister, Manuel Antonio Deverona, who sits at the table. MS show the typist at her typewriter. Inside a radio station, a man with headphones gestures. An anti-Castro Cuban speaks into a microphone.

Duration37 sec
Keywordsvintage, typists, Cubans, Latin America, offices, desks, Anti-communist, revolution, miami, Politics, speeches, Manuel Antonio Deverona, secretaries, broadcasts, cuban revolution, Miami, Democratic Revolutionary Front, radio stations, latin america, anti-communism, florida, Florida, history, cuban, Cuba, typing, secretary, Offices, Cuban, microphones, politics, meetings, Cuban revolution, communism, cubans, cuba, Vintage, anti-communist, History, Communism, Secretaries, communist, Communist, Secretary