Budget Films

Stock Footage

Cops Attack Rights Marchers

Montage shows events leading up to police attack on Civil Rights demonstrators outside of Selma, Ala., on March 7, 1965. Shot shows coffin of demonstrator killed by police. Martin Luther King, others march in the rain. Various shots show chaos as state troopers rout marchers. Helmeted troopers wear gas masks, wield clubs. Arrests, beatings, tear gas.

Duration1 min, 1 sec
DateMarch 7 1965
Keywordsrain, bloody sunday, Edmund Pettus Bridge, troopers, south, Reverend Dr., history, segregation, nightsticks, umbrellas, Civil Rights Movement, united states, southern, united States, marches, alabama, United States, police, racism, protests, state, segregated, animals, leaders, marchers, brutality, Civil Rights movement, famous, demonstrators, South, martin luther king, Martin Luther King, tear gas, american, race, policemen, black & white, selma, Southern, African American, african american, policeman, Selma, protester, marching, Alabama, United states, masks, violence, violent, horses, coffin, civil rights movement, billy clubs, demonstration, cops, History, mounted, American, Demonstration, Race, Famous