Budget Films

Stock Footage

MLK Arrested During Bus Boycott

Shots show Martin Luther King booked after his arrest for role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. A policeman places numbers on King's chest before booking photo. King and Coretta Scott King smile as they emerge from building after his release into crowd of supporters. King makes statement reaffirming his commitment to non-violent protest.

Duration41 sec
Keywordspassive resistance, martin luther king jr., MLK, history, arrested, Civil Rights Movement, united states, united States, alabama, prisoners, booked, United States, racism, Civil Rights movement, protests, We still have the method of love, Coretta Scott King, segregated, South, leaders, actions, Violence is self-defeating, soundtrack, famous, Reverend Dr., soundbite, audio, american, Montgomery, statements, race, segregation, arrests, Southern, Martin Luther King Jr., african american, civil rights movement, mlk, African American, Alabama, United states, black & white, southern, south, montgomery, History, wive, nonviolence, bus boycott, American, Race, wife, Famous