Budget Films

Stock Footage

British Soldiers Ride Camels

British or possibly Australian troops mounted on camels ride across the desert floor during their campaign to conquer Palestine from the Ottoman Turks.

Duration16 sec
KeywordsImperial Mounted Corps, vintage, middle east, Mideast, Ottoman Empire, Colonial, Middle East, ottoman empire, mideast, channel surfing, great Britain, Troops, united kingdom, mounted, palestine, armies, Desert Mounted Corps, animals, Wars, United kingdom, Vintage, soldiers, troops, cavalry, australian, World War I, deserts, World War One, WWI, history, First World War, wwi, Army, army, United Kingdom, imperialism, exotic, world war I, colonialism, Australian, world war i, world war one, camels, first world war, wwI, conflicts, History, wars, on-screen playback, Great Britain, colonial, great britain, Palestine