Budget Films

Stock Footage

Tel Aviv Under Construction

Camels heavy with packs walk along a Meditteranean beach, where construction of Tel Aviv begins. Laborers dig in sand as camels rest near by. Camels rise. A line of men push wheelbarrows. Shot shows workers emptying wheelbarrows. CU shows a man rapidly lifting bricks. Shot show a worker at a construction site tossing bricks to another worker. WS shows people and animals on a newly built street. A man rides a donkey on a new street.

Duration1 min, 16 sec
Keywordsworkers, Israel, movements, vintage, middle east, Mideast, israel, Zionism, work, Middle East, mideast, building, Palestine, construction, Jews, cities, British Mandate, nationalism, palestine, sand dunes, new, zionism, animals, Construction, Jewish, nationalists, city, Vintage, sand, wheelbarrows, deserts, history, laborers, Building, digging, Work, City, concrete, jews, beaches, donkeys, Zionists, contruction sites, bricklayers, camels, History, shovels, jewish