Budget Films

Stock Footage

Checkers Speech & Nixon Votes

During the Checkers speech, Richard Nixon gives some of his biography. Shots shows future president reading speech on TV set. Still shots show Nixon in his Navy uniform. Shot shows Nixon kissing his ballot for good luck before he drops it into ballot box when he votes in 1946 election that sent him to Congress.

Duration16 sec
DateSeptember 23 1946
Keywordsvintage, Vice-Presidents, casting, television, Richard Nixon, Checkers speech, united states, vice-presidents, california, Television, United States, Checkers Speech, Politics, speeches, famous, Political, ballot boxes, politician, history, Candidate, elections, Presidents, ballots, richard nixon, voting, polling place, candidate, politics, United states, televised, campaigning, campaigns, California, presidents, votes, united States, Vintage, History, Famous, presidential, Politician, political, speaking