Budget Films

Stock Footage

MLK & Stokely Carmichael

In closeup, Martin Luther King says to supporters "we are going to have to suffer" for freedom. Stokely Carmichael gestures and vents his anger.

Duration25 sec
KeywordsStokely Carmichael, history, Martin Luther King, Civil Rights Movement, black militants, united states, united States, marches, alabama, United States, racism, Civil Rights movement, protests, black power movement, anger, demonstration, leaders, marchers, soundtrack, angry, Reverend Dr., martin luther king, soundbite, selma, audio, american, race, emotions, segregation, Southern, African American, african american, civil rights movement, Selma, protester, marching, Alabama, United states, demonstrators, black nationalist, segregated, black & white, southern, south, South, History, nationalism, American, Demonstration, Race