Budget Films

Stock Footage

Ghetto Conditions

Shot shows a crowded street in the Warsaw ghetto. Another shot shows ghetto wall, activity on one side. Various shots, filmed by Nazis, show ghetto residents infected with lice, scratching themselves. CU of a man's head shows visible parasites. More footage shows men getting their heads shaved to improve hygiene.

Duration44 sec
KeywordsEurope, European, antisemitism, vintage, warsaw, haircuts, German, Germans, nazis, Jews, conditions, poland, Poland, german, discomfort, jews, europe, Nazi, Nazis, Jewish, misery, Vintage, Health, disease, heads, history, hygiene, Warsaw ghetto, Germany, living condition, de-lousing, living conditions, lice, parasites, polish, wall, sanitary, World War 2, health, wwII, ghetto, Warsaw, WWII, Polish, wwii, germany, History, holocaust, world war 2, jewish, european, Holocaust, Antisemitism, germans, nazi