Budget Films

Stock Footage

The Babe's Farewell

Babe Ruth, ill with cancer, salutes fans at Yankee Stadium there to honor him. WS shows big crowd standing, cheering. MS shows a row of boys. On the field, standing at mikes, Ruth acknowledges cheers. CU shows him speaking, expressing gratitude.

Duration42 sec
DateApril 27 1947
Keywordsfarewells, Yankee Stadium, celebrities, goodbyes, Children, Babe Ruth Day, goodbye, Fans, Cancer, baseball players, celebrity, new York city, babe ruth, vintage, children, New york yankees, speeches, sports, famous, talking, New York Yankees, athletes, yankee stadium, Babe Ruth, new york yankees, New York City, sick, babe ruth day, fans, illness, new york city, cancer, Vintage, cheering, standing ovations, boys, Famous