Budget Films

Stock Footage

Hollywood Liberals Arrive

As the House Un-American Activities Committee investigates communist influence in Hollywood, movie stars supporting free speech assemble for a photo after landing in Washington. CUs show Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. Brief shot shows the group walking off together.

Duration16 sec
Keywordsvintage, couples, husbands, celebrity, Hollywood, airplanes, celebrities, American history, married, twa, red scare, american history, Washington DC, Airplanes, TWA, Lauren Bacall, Committee for the First Amendment, witch hunts, famous, Vintage, wives, lauren bacall, humphrey bogart, movies stars, investigations, Humphrey Bogart, 8, House Un-American Activities Committee, airports, American History, wife, Communist, communism, HUAC, liberals, arriving, washington DC, Washington dc, washington dc, arrival, steps, Communism, communist, hollywood, actors, actresses, Famous