Budget Films

Stock Footage

Candidates For Prez, 1948

Thomas Dewey gestures behind a mike. Shots show Harry Truman speaking. He wears sunglasses. Various shots show faces in crowds. A woman wears a funny hat. A boy holds his dog. WSs show big crowds. Wonderfully oddball shot shows Dewey leaning over from caboose to accept gift of freshly-caught fish hanging from a stick.

Duration53 sec
Keywordsoddity, vintage, Trains, pets, americana, Politician, thomas dewey, oddities, American history, Democrats, voters, new York state, Politics, american history, nominees, speeches, animals, New York state, trains, democrats, Americana, crowds, Vintage, hats, Thomas Dewey, gifts, politician, fish, Candidate, elections, Presidents, audiences, candidate, New York State, politics, American History, railroads, campaigns, governors, republicans, whistle-stops, presidents, Unites States, Fish, Republicans, new york state, supporters, sunglasses, presidential, Crowds, speaking