Budget Films

Stock Footage

Hitler Coming & Going

Before taking power, preceded by storm troops, Hitler enters a room to salutes. He waves as he mounts a stage, gestures theatrically as he speaks. Cutaways to various applauding audiences. Shot shows him leaving an appearance, entering open car. Big crowd watches. Shots shows motorcade in motion.

Duration50 sec
KeywordsEuropean, Rally, vintage, applause, clapping, applauding, saluting, Germans, nazis, rising, speeches, Adolph Hitler, Nazis, brownshirts, adolf hitler, storm troops, crowds, Vintage, approving, heil Hitler, history, heil hitler, motorcades, Germany, approval, rally, storm troopers, Adolf Hitler, SA, salutes, adolph hitler, Adolf HItler, supporters, germany, History, rise to power, rallies, audiences, european, Crowds, germans, speaking