Budget Films

Stock Footage

U.S. Marines Leave Veracruz

President Carrazanza of Mexico stands at a balcony and observes the departure of U.S. Marines from Veracruz in November, 1914. Two shots show lines of troops marching. Brief establishing shot of the city.

Duration31 sec
DateNovember 23 1914
Keywordsmexican, civil wars, Latin America, revolutions, Political, Mexican, departure, united states, united States, Veracruz Incident, Troops, United States, Politics, president, Mexican revolution, marines, civil war, Mexico, evacuation, troops, latin america, withdrawal, american, historic, Marines, history, army, Army, Presidents, Vera Cruz, politics, United states, leaving, depart, Civil War, presidents, departing, leave, History, Venustiano Carranza, American, vera cruz, President, mexico, political