Budget Films

Stock Footage

Restoring an Impala

Two young Chicano guys restore a Chevy Impala in a garage and drink beer. When the girlfriend of one of them comes along, they get her to help.

Duration2 min, 30 sec
Keywordssouthern california, hobbies, drinking, vintage, Chicanos, alcohol, body work, Mexican American, Chevys, bondo, Impala, spray painting, mexican american, paint, repair, sprayer, restoring, Male, Los Angeles, painting, can, chicanos, Man, Chevy, logos, chevrolets, culture, beer can, Mexican Americans, Southern California, drink, beer cans, Chevrolets, Vintage, automobile, southern California, Impalas, mexican americans, beer, car, teenagers, hobby, chevrolet, autos, Chevrolet, chevy, Automobile, car culture, auto, cans, man, male, Men, chevys, Drink, sanding, youth, young, cars, teenager, Can, los angeles, men, logo, Chicano, Car