Budget Films

Stock Footage

Roosevelt Declares War on Japan

After Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt calls on Congress to formally declare war. Roosevelt speaks before a joint session of Congress with Vice President Harry Truman and Speaker Sam Rayburn seated in the background.

Duration1 min, 33 sec
DateDecember 8 1941
KeywordsFranklin D. Roosevelt, vintage, hawaii, Joint Session of United States Congress, Imperial Japan, harry s. truman, Newsreel, congress, Pearl Harbor, united states, newsreel, united States, American history, United States, japan, american history, newsreels, president, truman, Congress, sneak attack, Hawaii, FDR, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Truman, fdr, day which will live in infamy, Vintage, Speaker of the House of Representatives Sam T. Rayburn, franklin d. roosevelt, Rayburn, declaration of war, history, Roosevelt, Speech, attacks, Presidents, Sam T. Rayburn, Japan, American History, attack, United states, day of infamy, Vice President Harry S. Truman, World War 2, speeches, war speeches, sneak attacks, wwII, Speaker Sam T. Rayburn, war speech, United States Congress, pearl harbor, presidents, WWII, sp help us God, wwii, History, declarations of war, world war 2, speech, roosevelt, President, Harry S. Truman, united states congress