Budget Films

Stock Footage

Making Bagels - BBF's Beginnings

The famous Brooklyn Bagel Factory in Los Angeles offers a tour and a chance to make a custom batch of mini-bagels for a bat mitzvah treat. The Bagel Factory's owner discusses the company's beginnings. HDV footage.

Duration2 min, 56 sec
Keywordssouthern california, machines, jewdaism, factory, factories, woman, former, employees, california, cooking, men, cut, Jews, Los Angeles, cities, Jew, cook, mixer, formers, LA, shops, jews, brooklyn bagel, employee, bagel factory, divider, dough, flour, Jewish, Southern California, making, city, troughs, Man, mixing, urban, batter, Woman, trough, contemporary, brooklyn bagel factory, shop, culture, bagels, bagel, Factory, Bagel, bagel factories, show, baking shows, machine, baking show, rack, City, high definition, cooking show, HD, man, brooklyn bagels, southern California, shows, make, ingredients, baking, California, ingredient, High Definition, assembly lines, cooking shows, Contemporary, women, jew, bake, mix, racks, dividers, los angeles, cutting, jewish, Men, assembly line