Budget Films

Stock Footage

French Unrest

Comprehensive footage shows political activists occupying a building in France. Their supporters bring them food. Shops shutter their windows. Demonstrators on the right and left march in Paris. Cops make arrests. Fascists salute.

Duration1 min, 55 sec
Keywordsworkers, Europe, melee, vintage, protest, history, sit down strikes, steet fights, Police, French, street fighting, strikes, France, closed stores, french, European, police, protests, europe, demonstration, general strikes, closed store, worker, demonstraters, demonstrators, fascist salutes, fascist salute, Paris, flags, arrests, sit-down strike, leftist, strike, Demonstration, protester, anti-fascist, anti-fascism, flag, rightists, anti-fascists, fleur de lys, paris, fascist, Popular Front, Vintage, general strike, rightist, History, Protest, leftists, labor, left, communist, france, european, Communist, melees, fascists, arrest