Budget Films

Stock Footage

East West Struggle Over Trieste

Yugoslav dictator Tito visits Trieste. As he walks up a flight of stairs, he waves and salutes. Shot of Tito holding binoculars as he peers into British-American zone of Trieste. Quick shot of Italian flag going up a pole. A group of Italian men applaud happily. Various shots show Yugoslav protesters running through streets, marching past U.S. embassy, waving fists.

Duration1 min
Keywordscold war, vintage, protest, salute, saluting, port, Protest, mobs, crowd, dictator, italian, Italian, president, demonstration, soldiers, angry, anti-American, politician, binoculars, history, News, news, mob, world leader, applauding, Cold War, soldier, Italy, Marshall Tito, 20th century, Trieste, protester, anti-american, waving fists, twentieth centuy, Tank, anger, Communist, communism, military, tank, embassy, Yugoslavia, yugoslavia, Communism, Military, italy, communist, President, flag, applaud