Budget Films

Stock Footage

Postwar Foreign Policy

Republican Senator Arthur Vandenberg, Secretary of State James Byrnes, President Harry Truman and Democratic Senator Tom Connally stand together, illustrating bipartisan cooperation on foreign policy after WW II. Shot shows a congressional hearing. Truman speaks into a bank of microphones. Shot shows Truman meeting his next Secretary of State, George Marshall. In his office, Truman signs a bill in front of gathered congressional leaders.

Duration32 sec
KeywordsRepublican, vintage, post-war, michigan, harry s. truman, Harry S. Truman, Harry Truman, united states, united States, handshake, American history, Congressional, United States, Democrats, american history, politic, shaking hands, Tom Conally, leaders, speeches, democrats, Senators, Handshake, texas, American History, Secretary of State, congressional, politician, harry truman, hearings, Speech, Presidents, Senate, Politician, Texas, senators, microphones, democrat, Michigan, United states, James Byrnes, Senator, senate, president, republican, republicans, senator, presidents, Democrat, Republicans, Vintage, secretary of state, George Marshall, bi-partisan, Arthur Vandenberg, speech, Secretary Of State, President, foreign policy, leader, Leader