Budget Films

Stock Footage

One Big Happy Family

A segment on a family with sixty children. The clip opens with a wonderful shot of the family's laundry drying in the breeze and the mother taking the clothes down, followed by the mother calling the kids in with a bell and cleaning the children's shoes, children running down the stairs to eat dinner and finally going to bed. Nice CUs and group shots of children.

Duration1 min, 1 sec
Keywordschildren, clothesline, child, sit, feed, shoe, dad, speak, boot, House, boy, family, bowl, America, eating, food, eat, meal, home, running, Home, descend, bedtime, Male, bow, male, bell, Bowl, yard, Children, 20th century, Child, boots, serve, adoption, chair, chew, america, laundry, wash, prayer, female, girl, bed, Stairs, mom, Descent, Stair, Female, Sit, Pray, Drying, Boy, Father, Dining Room, Adoption, Descend, Dry, Laundry, Yard, Serve, Bedroom, dinner, Mom, Supper, Eat, Girl, bedroom, Boot, Adopt, Bed, mother, Face, Dinner, Breeze, Clean, Mother, run, Run, Meal, Wind, Clothes, Speak, Feed, table, Chew, Table, Shoes, Family, praying, Bell, pray, face, Boots, Wash, Sleep, Prayer, breeze, twentieth century, Chair, Bunk Bed, clean, sleep, clothes, wind, shoes, house, stair, father, dry, stairs