Budget Films

Stock Footage

MacArthur Comes Ashore

Various shots of Douglas MacArthur on land and sea lead to his climactic landing in the Phillipines. He holds a pointer and stands before a map, talks with a determined expression, probably to reporters. Good profile shows him standing in boat with corncob pipe in mouth. Numerous historic shots show MacArthur stepping off landing craft, into sea and wading ashore with entourage. Apparent reverse shows smiling Filipinos. Intercut with combat shots, including giant cannon firing and soldiers coming ashore during an amphibious landing.

Duration54 sec
Keywordsvintage, history, ashore, combat, united states, newsreel, map, United States, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, ocean, Phillipines, famous, fire, ship, soldiers, world war 2, reporters, historic, pointer, smile, smiling, closeup, amphibious, Japan, firing, coming ashore, news conference, Filipinos, attack, Pacific, landing, corn cob pipe, wade, World War 2, Lingayen Gulf, arriving, military, wwii, WWII, wading, boat, cannon, water, arrive