Budget Films

Stock Footage

Hitler & Mussolini Speeches

Two shots of Adolf Hitler giving a speech and one shot of Benito Mussolini doing the same.

Duration15 sec
KeywordsEurope, European, mussolini, vintage, salute, German, evil, Male, dictator, swastika, german, Man, Italian, Chancellor, swastica, Adolf Hitler, europe, Nazi, Adolph Hitler, Speech, Soldier, famous, Vintage, Hitler, Nazism, Leader, historic, Military, history, axis, bad, world leader, soldier, Germany, speaker, man, war, male, World War 2, chancellor, wwII, Speaker, enemy, WWII, benito mussolini, military, fascist, adolph hitler, wwii, fascism, germany, History, hitler, world war 2, nazi, speech, european, War, nazism, leader, speaking, italian