Budget Films

Stock Footage

Kaiser Seeks German Empire

Kaiser Wilhelm II seeks empire for Germany. Footage of Kaiser in uniform, new battleships, Kaiser inspecting troops. Also Kaiser allies Emperor Francis Joseph and heir Francis Ferdinand of Austria, King Ludwig of Bavaria.

Duration1 min, 1 sec
KeywordsEurope, European, vintage, prepare, King, great war, anchor, bavaria, hapsburg, German, kaiser, austria, wilhelm, wilhelm II, sarajevo, francis joseph, pomp, empire, ludwig, Boat, francis ferdinand, german, ww1, Ship, Bavaria, Austria, king ludwig, europe, 20th Century, Twentieth Century, Soldier, ship, World War 1, horse, aspiration, wwi, World War I, WW1, World War One, WWI, emperor, First World War, carriage, teens, twentieth century, world war I, soldier, Germany, uniform, 20th century, war, king, battleship, william, Horse, world war i, world war one, first world war, world war 1, Vintage, Uniform, germany, Emperor, boat, serbia, european, War, leader, Leader, pre-war