Budget Films

Stock Footage

Axis War Criminals Prosecuted

Shots of Rudolf Hess saluting Nazi troops, Hermann Goering surrendering his gun, Pierre Laval and Henri Petain on trial for collaborating with Nazis, Japanese general Yamashita appearing before an American military court, and brief clips of unnamed others on trial for war crimes.

Duration50 sec
KeywordsEurope, europe, death sentence, vintage, General, post-war, history, hermann goering, criminal, field marshall von ronsteadt, French, newsreel, aftermath, general, European, News, military tribunal, french, Nazi, international law, von ronsteadt, Vintage, general tomoyuki yamashita, japanese, historic, goering, Japanese, France, historical, rudolf hess, france, Hermann Goering, tribunal, war, pierre laval, prosecute, military court, prosecutor, prosecution, goring, World War 2, Rudolf Hess, field marshall, wwII, War, Field Marshall Hermann Goering, marshall henri petain, Goring, WWII, trial, wwii, History, yamashita, collaborator, world war 2, crime, news, court, war crime, european, flag, nazi, trials