Budget Films

Stock Footage

Countown To H-Bomb Blast

The moment nears for the historic first test of a hydrogen bomb. Ominous shot of military personnel watching a control panel as one of them counts down. As a voice on a PA system warns against watching blast, soldiers put on goggles.

Duration45 sec
Keywordstest, headset, control panel, instrument panel, prepare, foreboding, engineer, preparation, scientist, ominous, work, science, men, government, dial, United States, countdown, gauge, ocean, warn, Marshall Islands, ship, H-bomb, warning, Bomb, h-bomb, history, working, South Pacific, soldier, atomic bomb, thermonuclear, south pacific, man, engineering, goggles, bomb, military, destruction, danger, WARNING, Department of Defense, dangerous, Eniwetok, news, H-Bomb, united states, Enewetok, Hydrogen Bomb, Enewetak, atoll