Budget Films

Stock Footage

LBJ Vows No Defeat In Vietnam

WS of LBJ standing at a podium, probably at the White House. He vows in CU, "We cannot be defeated by force of arms." Brief shot of seated reporters writing in notebooks.

Duration17 sec
Keywordsspeaker, podium, notebooks, vintage, news conference, lbj, cold war, Vietnam War, prediction, united states, newsreel, united States, Male, Vietnam war, United States, Man, white house, News, History, male, notebook, president, Speaker, vietnam war, 20th Century, Twentieth Century, famous, Communism, southeast asia, Lyndon Johnson, LBJ, warning, historic, vow, history, speech, Speech, world leader, twentieth century, Cold War, vietnam, historical, vietnam conflict, lyndon johnson, 20th century, President Johnson, White House, man, war, United states, winning, statement, Communist, communism, we cannot be defeated, War, press conference, military, defeat, Vintage, WARNING, reporter, Vietnam, reporters, Military, news, communist, President, Southeast Asia, journalist, Famous, president johnson