Budget Films

Stock Footage

America Gets Out Of Vietnam

America's participation in the war in Vietnam draws to a close: A Vietnamese mother and her children run across a field, Secretary of State William P. Rogers signs the document ending America's involvement. Prisoners of war march along Vietnamese runway, deplane to be reunited with families in United States.

Duration24 sec
DateMarch 1973
Keywordsvintage, north vietnam, Politician, returning, reunited, plane, Politics, child, asian, pow, Soldier, jet, Political, violence, mother, Ceremony, Asia, hug, Plane, military, crutches, diplomatic, Vietnam, news, Secretary Of State, boy, Southeast Asia, South Vietnam, Famous, diplomat, family, homecomings, coming home, woman, Vietnam War, treaty, reunion, deplane, sign, document, man, war, United states, male, Battle, Child, War, diplomacy, north vietnamese, south vietnamese, vietnamese, combat, battle, united states, newsreel, American history, United States, american history, POW, vietnam war, prisoner of war, southeast asia, Secretary of State, politician, history, Treaty, female, Asian, Vietnamese, vietnam, politics, American History, girl, Prisoner of War, violent, secretary of state, political, field, asia, Boy, united States, william p. rogers, accord, secretary of state rogers, Female, Girl, Male, Man, News, runway, Mother, famous, Vintage, Family, Woman, Vietnam war, soldier, ceremony, son, North Vietnam, History, south vietnam, Military, daughter