Budget Films

Stock Footage

1968 Conventions, Nixon Wins

Brief clips of Nixon at the Republican convention, Humphrey, Muskie and their wives at the Democratic convention. Nixon vows to, "Bring the American people together." Followed by shots of the Nixons and Johnsons outside the White House.

Duration37 sec
KeywordsLyndon Baines Johnson, lady bird, vintage, Republican, lbj, lyndon johnson, Pat Nixon, Richard Nixon, Politician, presidency, Politics, Washington DC, chicago, Political, Miami, lyndon baines johnson, Speech, president-elect, campaign, democrat, Presidency, campaigning, republican, President Johnson, Democrat, press conference, mrs. muskie, convention, muriel humphrey, Bring the American people together, president-elect nixon, lame duck, reporter, richard m. nixon, press, speech, President, Famous, political convention, woman, Midwest, illinois, Washington dc, midwest, elect, winner, florida, news, historical, richard nixon, media, Richard M. Nixon, man, male, washington dc, balloon, White House, First Lady, Chicago, Illinois, Hubert Humphrey, newsreel, pat nixon, miami, Muriel Humphrey, president, mid-atlantic, hubert h. humphrey, Lyndon Johnson, LBJ, edmund muskie, lady bird johnson, historic, politician, history, female, Lady Bird, hubert humphrey, politics, senator edmund muskie, first lady, south, loser, election, political, podium, delegate, Female, Male, Man, News, South, 20th Century, Twentieth Century, famous, Vintage, placard, Woman, Florida, white house, twentieth century, vice president hubert humphrey, cheer, 20th century, president johnson, President-elect, Lady Bird Johnson, washington DC, electing, History, Campaign