Budget Films

Stock Footage

Kids Throw Pies, Make Mess

A kid throws pies from a shelf onto the floor, then falls into a barrel of flour. His friends make a mess fighting over the pies.

Duration2 min, 4 sec
Keywordscorny, vintage, Eat, Girl, eating, powdered, powder, messy, on-screen playback, channel surfing, shelf, Boy, children, humor, angry, orphanage, kitchen, camp, lame, flour, climb, cloying, lamest, cloy, fall, falling, bucket, climbing, slapstick, female, orphan, kitschy, toss, happy, tub, chore, Male, throwing, Climb, mess, Female, girl, male, kids, campy, kitsch, hit, barrel, funny, Fall, throw, Children, Vintage, humorous, pie, comedic, boy, comedy, tossing, hitting, eat