Budget Films

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Crazy Fish Antics On Train

Slapstick comedy about trying to cook fish in a kitchen on a train. A porter comes in and tells the head chef that someone wants fish but it's fresh out. The chef panics but his assistant looks out the window and sees the ocean. He baits a hook and throws out the line. They catch a giant fish and club it, chasing it into the passenger car. The porter baits another hook and gets yanked out the window.

Duration2 min, 25 sec
Keywordspratfall, crazy, vintage, Fishing, slapstick, on-screen playback, channel surfing, axe, stereotype, cook, humor, stereotypical, rod, short order cook, kitchen, fishing, waiter, Vintage, silent comedy, zany, order, diner car, fish, shoe, chase, comedic, chef, porter, African American, african american, billy bevan, havoc, passenger car, hook, funny, comic, cop, Fish, Black, humorous, bait, comical, black, comedy, club, Havoc, ax