Budget Films

Stock Footage

Flynn & Jack Benny On USO Tour

With his career in decline, Errol Flynn joins Jack Benny on a USO tour of Korea during the war there. CUs show Benny and Flynn climbing airplane steps. Another shot shows Flynn at a remote military airport with a plane on the tarmac, hills in distance. On stage in front of troops Flynn grabs an actress, kisses her and won't let go. Benny watches the embrace as part of the gag and so does a pretty musician wearing an accordion around her neck. Good reaction shot of troops laughing.

Duration36 sec
KeywordsStairway, stage, vintage, jack benny, Famous, leading man, united states, celebrity, united States, Troops, Hollywood, gi's, United States, Man, Korean War, famous, korean war, soldiers, troops, performance, audience, american, entertainment, stairway, accordion, uniform, Air Force, man, hollywood, United states, airport, Airport, Errol Flynn, laughing, laugh, Erroll Flynn, Vintage, Uniform, USO tour, accordian, steps, comedian, American, Korean war, tarmac, actor, star, Jack Benny, erroll flynn, air force